Monday 23 April 2012

Ignoring is bliss

So some big changes happening around here with me starting a part time job on Wednesday. I wasn't really planning on going back to work until the summer (part time) leading into full time in September, but I happened upon a great opportunity that I just couldn't pass up. I'm actually really excited about the idea of working again, and 2 days is perfect. The one thing that I am having a bit of trouble with is the idea of leaving my small person. We desperately scoured all our sources to find a home daycare to take us through until we get into our actual daycare. Day care in this city is nuts, the waiting lists are out of control, the price tag is not cheap, but then in my mind daycare is like tattoos, why does everyone always want to find the cheapest tattoo artist? These are the times when quality is much more important than price.

Thankfully Babi is going to watch her on my first day and Erin is going to help us ease her into daycare by watching her in the first weeks. We actually found a woman that I like and I think it's going to be good, but Eeeeeeks. How much do I wish I could go to sleep and wake up in a month when this transition is all over? I have been kind of trying to ignore it, but it appears to be happening just the same.

We went to visit the Papa at work last Thursday and here are pics of that. M loved catching up with her old friend Pilates ball which makes me think I should dig ours out and blow it up again.

She also greatly enjoys that Visualizer screen saver thing-a-majigger.

We had planned to go see the cherry blossoms in High Park yesterday for Earth day, but it was cold and we were tired and walked the entire Junction path to go pick up my bike from the shop. We will soon be geared up with our Wike for day care drop offs and weekend bike trips. That is if it stops wet snowing on us for Odin's sake!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Tie one on

We were at MEC last weekend and happened upon this cute little ladybug back pack with an "ahem" line (I am avoiding the word leash) attached to it.
I have to admit I had been toying with the idea of getting something like this for her for a couple of weeks. The thing is, girl is independent with a capital I and when I try to walk with her by holding her hand it always ends with her ripping her hand away, me feeling slightly offended and her laughing gleefully at her sweet sweet freedom. In M's perfect world she runs free as a bird with nothing holding her back. In my perfect world this wouldn't be a problem, also I would have a Pegasus Unicorn.

Exhibits A and B
 Escaping the constraints of her stroller at the One of a Kind show last month...
Chasing after random white dog with luxurious hair at the park last week.

I want her to be able to explore the world and learn from her mistakes, but I also want to not worry about her running into the street and being hit by a car when she sees a bunny (I saw one on the corner last night). Once she is able to talk I think it won't be necessary, but until then do I leash? It's a hotly debated topic on the old internets with some extreme opinions. I have to admit I tried it today and felt like a crazy dork supreme. Also I was walking Pepper at the time so it really added to the whole walking your child like a dog scenario. Also trying to get these two maniacs to walk together while pushing a stroller? Crazy train that generally looked something like this;
One going North, one going South.  I do feel like everyone was staring at me and I usually don't care that much about what people think, but maybe my paranoia says something about how I feel about this. At the very least the back pack is really cute and now she can carry her own dang MumMums. My pockets/purses/car/stroller is filled with wrappers.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Bump watch 2012

I'm super excited that 2 of our very best friends are expecting and due this September. I swear to god everywhere I look are pregnant ladies and it kind of almost makes me want to do it again, which is funny because this baby still doesn't sleep through the night! I loved being pregnant, I loved the big stomach and feeling your baby move, and sleeping and laying on the couch eating rice cream, people feed you non stop when you are pregnant which I enjoy greatly.

Here is Kristen in all her striped pregnant glory;
 Dudes, I can't wait to meet your baby this fall!

Sidebar: I saw Cabin in The Woods last night and it was SO good. If you have the chance I highly recommend this movie, classic Joss Whedon at his very best! And I'm not saying this because it is the only movie I have seen in the theatre so far this year!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Tiny Tots

We have moved on from Guardian Swim to Tiny Tots, which I love, mostly because I like the word tot. Perhaps it comes from  my childhood love of Jelly Tots? For those of you not in the know, Tiny Tots consists of me taking M to the pool and leaving her with an instructor for 15 minutes. This is our 3rd class. The first one was great, second was iffy and today was the worst of all. Apparently going to swim with a random stranger without me while breaking new teeth ranks very low on M's to do list. I could hear her crying for about 9 minutes before I rescued her.

Here is a before picture;
This episode only adds to the stress of trying to figure out a daycare situation, I think of all the things we have done together, this might be the hardest one. It is impossible to find care in this city and if/when you do it is super expensive.

Please dear Universe, send me an amazing care provider that works out perfectly. Yours truly, Mama Neveu.

Friday 6 April 2012

15 Months

It is Good Friday today and 15 months birthday also. It actually was good because the Papa had the last two days off and other than going to Home Depot to pick up more reno supplies (which is our part time job these days) we just did normal stuff. We walked the dog and got lunch and went to the park and made dinner and ate it all together as a family. We slacked, yes and it felt good! We even went down to  the the EC to eat at urban Herbivore, and let me tell you the people at the corner of Dundas and Yonge are very concerned with what the true meaning of Easter is.  Double Easter celebrations coming up this weekend, hope you all are eating ham or chocolate or bunnies or eggs or what-have-you.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Operation Insect Irradicator

So it looks like I can add a new skill to my resume, ant murdalizer! Ever since the nice weather, we have been invaded by ants. I know it could be worse, and actually I kind of like ants. People always call bees busy, but have you seen ants in action? those guys are completing tasks left right and centre, and we all know how much I like projects.

It was just getting too much though, they were everywhere and when I saw one walking across the counter towards the food I was making the babe, I had to end it. So I used the tried and true (according to the internets) Borax and sugar method and lo and behold a mere 24 hours later we are down to one ant that was looking pretty rough as it tried to walk across the floor. Do I feel bad?  Kind of, I hate killing things, am I happy they are gone? A thousand times yes!

Monday 2 April 2012

And then it was April...

I went up to my parents on Friday so the Papa could have some time to get started on one of the medium sized reno projects in the house; building walls so M can have an actual room. In our minds it is the answer to better sleep for all, and as usual any project takes about four times as long as you think it will!

We are about halfway there which is really exciting and should have them up and finished by the end of this weekend. No pictures of this because half made walls look really boring according to the camera on my phone.

I do have a pic of M wearing an old barrette of mine that I found on one of my childhood dolls.
She made my dad read her that book like a thousand times and let me tell you, counting to 10 a thousand times isn't all it's cracked up to be. Must bring more books up next time.

Whenever we are gone I always think about how Pepper is going to luxuriate on the couch without the impending threat of little hands grabbing her and how they will sleep in and hog the whole bed and stretch and rejoice, but generally when I am gone Pepper whiles away the hours shivering and worrying that she is being abandoned. Here it is Monday again and April already and back to business as usual.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Little style

So it looks like the DVF for baby Gap stuff is out. It is cute, but dang it's kind of pricey. I really like this Fred Flintsone-ish T-shirt dress, but it's $43 and I think my $43 would be better spent on some salt water sandals that she will wear every day and I can save for (still TBD) future baby.

What is it about kid's clothes that are so tempting? I never buy stuff for myself anymore, I could basically leave my house in a gunny sack these days, but putting M in cute outfits delights me. My mom got her this pair of Neon Chartreuse skinny jeans that made me squeal with delight. I squealed. Out loud. Upon taking them out of the dryer. I tried to get a picture of her in them, but she was more interested in throwing my phone around and rolling in the duvet that was on the floor.
We're not going to win any photo contests with that one, but you get my drift.

My guilty pleasure these days is going through the clothes I have saved (from thrifting, hand me downs, etc.) for her as she grows and just laying them out and then refolding them and putting them away. When me and my sister were littles, my mom's aunt who was a seamstress in Vienna would send us clothes she had made for our dolls. I wonder if this is where my love of hand crafted apparel comes from?

Friday 23 March 2012

The Hat that won't be worn...

It has been so crazy hot this last week (hello sunburned neck I received when walking home from the Duff the other day) so I figured I better get going on making M a summer hat. The thing is, she hates wearing hats, like hates it, pulls them off right away. Is this all toddlers? I have surely seen other tots in the park with sunhats on. It is extra sad because I have an unholy love of hats.

Anyways I digress, I decided to make the same one I made last summer for her from the Sewn With Love book by Fiona Bell.
I really love this book, I made some stuff from the baby section for her last summer and I am super excited that I can finally make all the cute things for toddlers in there!

This is the third time I've made it and I'm kind of a pro at it now which feels nice. I had to make the pattern bigger since she is too big for the baby version, but it worked out just fine. It lasted on her head about 23 seconds before it was yanked off, I did manage to grab a shot of the front and the back for our viewing pleasure.
I made it pink so that people can stop calling her a boy. I heard people in Ikea the other day talking about her and the daughter was saying to her father, no la nina, la nina and pointing at her pink shoes. I like pink as much as the next guy, but feel no need to drape her it just because she is a girl.

Next up for sewing projects? The vintage inspired pyjamas from the same book....feels good to be making things again, I missed you sewing machine!